

Life Excitement

There’s still a lot to do.

I’ve been riding the high of creation. Freebies, website, newsletters–all of those lovely little darlings offer a welcomed distraction. It’s so easy to get lost in a world of your making, in the creative process. And it’s very tempting, as a creative type, to stay in the space of newness and birth, never really finishing anything.

I have life excitement.  The bubbling, champagne-belly feeling you get when you’re so ready for all the things you’ve been planning to come together and actually exist. The busy mind chatter that keeps you up at night by listing all the ways you could do all the things you’re so eager to do the next day.

IMG_20160330_135201All of those lovely new, creative, inspiring things  keep me from doing what I actually need to be doing. Going over the proofed copy of SEX MAGIC.

But all of those lovely new things are useless without a book to sell.  Sooooo…..

I’ll be cleaning off my desk, and cranking out the last of the proofs. Unless I get distracted by pretty, pretty cover art.